discokid 4 years ago 518
anime/manga oregairu
what a chadbakischwarzniggertwelve kingdomsjojohows moving castleMonogatari seriesi want to eat your pancreasazumangadaiohYu Gi OhTokyo ghoulthe vision of escaflowneteslahensukiwa2 moufsah megami-samashow by rocklove labseikon no qwesarlove livenow and thenhere and thereYu gi ohMM!amaama to inazumaHug tf Outta Heranazauzaki-chan wa asobitaiMaji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!sakurasouwhy is there a huge gold coin theremy neighbor totoromany fellow gamers went ahead and bought the game to support the developerHirohiko Arakiaccelerator from toaru seriesHow to Raise a Boring Girlfriendbaka to testpersonanisekoiItai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasuarea 51 raidautistic titleDomestic na kanojoro kyu bubungou stray dogsfirst three fanartkimetsu no yaibaKatawa ShoujoHyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no ValkyriagenderbentbottomIsekai wa Smartphone to Tomo nii cant relatenon non biiyoriSword art onlineyugiohYahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa MachigatteiruThe Irregular at Magic High Schoolgun gale onlinecell at workdoraemonharemfilthymy senpai is annoyingspice and wolfhitoribocchi no maru maru seikatsuHitoribocchi no Marumaru SeikatsuChio-chan no Tsuugakurotakagi-sanbatjokerasian parentsservant x servicedanganronpadevilman crybabyOne piecedr stone x3Princess Connect!DONT WORRY EVEN IF SHE FALLS FROM THEREfate series - tohsaka rin - sabermelancholy of haruhi suzumiyaSss.watamotekurokoassasination classroomJieitai Kanochi nite Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragontouchprison schoolKimetsu no yaibayuruyurix2wheres the dialogue syrupfate series astoflothe boy and the beasthebi frireviewsshobitchnico nico neeHowl no Ugoku ShiroThats whathappens if your not a cute anime girlkanojomaoyuu maou yuushatis but a scratchzack ryderhellsingkamichama karinbikini warriorsgarden of wordsouran kokou host clubReady For The Huntface swapKimire:diveI Cant Understand What My Husband Is Sayingdragon ball zharuhi suzumiyanawaclubcomedyto-love-ruunless its something badSport Climbing Girlsmonter musumeMadoka Magicaakatsuki no yonaOne Punch Manthe world god only knowsDamn Qualitysuper sonicokatekyo hitman rebornAnd you thought there is never a girl online?everwise wordsuchimusumetaylor swiftInu X Boku secret servicethe cat returnsRecently My Sister Is UnusualCautious herofruits basketfilthy frankfinally some good ducking foodMachikado Mazokuseduction 101real liferem fromgatchaman crowds not all of them are from sunrisehanda-kunfugou keijiDestruction Flag Otomethat one friendand everyone topped the examskobayashi-san chi no maid dragonRe Zerobeastersthotadventurechika from kaguya-sama love is wargoblin slayerOre dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeonmy little monsterGods Blessing on This Wonderful Worldtitle is sourceschool daysWhen you are already dead insideergo proxyoverlordmonster musume Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojoyuushibuno contextGabriel Dropoutbakuon re zerogintamabeautifulnoucomelittle witch academiamahou shoujo madoka magicawhat a weeboverly cautious hero is cautioussakurasou no pet na kanojoClassroom of the Elitehe knowshenkei shoujotengen toppa gurren lagannblack lagoonmaji koiinou battlewindows updatesLeadale no Daichi nitesaiki kusuo no psi nanskeleton knight in another worldamagami ssnothing personnel bosshang onisaac newtonAscendance of a BookwormKamichama KarinThe Anthem of the Heartjjutsu kaisenDumbbell nan kilo moteruUzaki-chan wa asobitaid fraghe didnttanaka-kun wa itsumo kedarugegekkan shoujo nozaki kunsaekanoyakusoku no neverlandcaligulaits fake fyilittle busterssaiki kusuo no sai nandeath paradelegend of the galactic heroesfairy talelewd banggangk onburritomade in abyssdagon maidtomatofuture diaryWhen Theres No Slider in Parkhataraku Saibougotouben no hanayomebayonettaa silent voicestuido triggerYuru campamerica the live actionadventuresBunny Girl SenpaiKanokonflashbacksnoblesse?5 cm per secondhitsuga no chaikaKiniro Mosaiclmao that wait!! partwhaonekoparaChuunibyou demo koi ga shitainot nokiaborutotoaru seriesMasamune-kun's Revengehuge dingledongsWorkingnarutofree!napop team epicdarling in the franxxika musumetekkenNarutomechaMurenase Seton Gakuenparodythe girl who leapt through timekanojo mo kanojoshaftcowboy bebopisekai quartetcautious hero is overly cautioustower of godDexters Laboratory nicegot emScience fell in lovephilosophicallast one isKakushigotomiru tightssabagebu!Ore wo Suki Nano wa Omae Dake ka yochoujigen game neptuneNakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu86increasingly verbose memeThe Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjarjashin-chan dropkicktokyo revengersnicolas cagein a nutshellHajime no ippoTengen toppa gurren lagannmalthekiba majutsughost storiesWhite album 2tbh chunin exams were pretty hardcoretriviaajin?danmachigouplastic nee sanamaburiseiyuufansubfire forcemiddle school daysshingeki no kyojinmachikado mazokusasuga nihonjinOne punch mandigimonkoe no katachimarioReally Love Youarrogance and pridebest waifu right theretruck-kun plsthe seven deadly sinsazumanga daiohobamaIf you get itoofGolden Timewhen you gotta save subaru at 6geat memoriesKoe no katachinot if you dont have friendsKumo desu gawa KataritaiOur Last Crusade or the Rise of a New Worldnurarihyon no magokaguy-sama love is warEighty sixbatmanel hazard the wandererstwintailsi think its saberdeidaras childhoodis this a pigeonMecha VersionShow By Rocktenki no koidk thirdamagi brilliant parkwhen you dont have MC powers!!Madoka magicait was a jokeAkaneiro ni Somaru SakaIncreasingly Verbose Memebalance unlimitedtakt opshield heronsafullmetal alchemist netflixmahouka koukou no rettouseiwagnaria!!!more like extinguish every last bit of youfate series - astofloMushoku tenseitaishou otome otogibanashiWorld Conquest Zvezda PlotMusuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoyahungly lolido you really expect some "source" here? sewayaki kitsune no senko-sangirls und panzerinoubattleFuk basketballnon non biyorishingeki no kyoujinpreciouswwekaguya sama love is warHunter x huntertoaru kagaku no railgungirlfriendshe gon destroy tf outta you by the moonbananyagotta stalk the uzumakishanayamatasnopp doggYou are perfect the way you aresore ga seiyuuchainsaw mankoisekagundam serieskanokarislam dunkSkeleton Knight in Another Worldpokemonk projectprincess principalvalkyrie drivekono bijutusbu ni wa mondai ga aru!kumo desu gashe didnt believe in herself yet her friends didChuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitaijujutsu kaisenOmae wa mou ShindeiruThe Misfit of Demon King AcademyfanartEnd of Evangelionre:lifegamersHigehiroenen no shoubutaishounenself esteem lolreddit commentstrapsKishuku Gakkou no Julietfullmetal alechemisthighschool dxdCharacters chartWe All Have Done Thisno one can reach tadanos power levellife of a weeaboochunikoiits a jokeharry potterKoi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato deand then we play some game togetherThus the JSDF Fought There!so you make it sail yourselfDeath March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyokuwatamote?Urara Meirochoill take all of themnetoyomeyuri on iceSaenai Heroine no SodatekataAs Miss Beelzebub LikesSore ga Seiyuutatami galaxyKyouko suiriFullmetal alchemistJojos bizarre adventurearakawa under the bridgedeath march to the parallel world rhthe rising of the shield herobasketballFansubsomae wa mou shindeiruTalentless NanahyoukaThe detective is already deadIncreasingly verbose memeKaguya-sama Love is Waryu gi ohkuroko no basketredditmyanimelistk-projectchuunibyou demo koi ga shitaifbiDumbbell Nan Kilo moteruall in one waifuweeaboohow to not summon a demon lordsamuel jacksonsai nanclimbing girlsGochuumon wa Usagi desu kagg guyslive actionkenja no magosenpai ga uzaigetting ready for a movieofficial posterYamada-kun and the Seven Witchesgirlgolden boybizarrecatgirlsanime chartspy x familytricksterfeminine and gayryuuou no oshigotovirgin vs chadjojos bizarre adventurea slient voicemajo no tabitabimemeJaku-Chara Tomozaki-kunhigurashi no naki koro nioresukismugswort art onlineoof the differenceYour nameis the order a rabbitAkikanbatjokristi?nikola teslaOkaasan onlineerwin memeReallyTransformersomg biribiri so cute omgasfafidk the restSpice and wolfhaifurioniaipenguinz0Demi-chanUQ HolderAiuratoaru majutsu no indexsuzumiyamach gogogoin a parallel universeGirlish Numbershort comicShinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maiddragon ballthe animationlog horizonGintamadmccardcopter sakurafull metal alchemistkemono friendsclose enoughgin no sajiYuru Campshinchou yuushagolden time9 year oldpapa frankuforgivistiansatsu Kyoushitsuhaikyuubegone thotkaiSolnoragamihibike euphoniumquotespubgpunch lineSukitte Ii na yotop 10 animei think its persona? idkdemi chan wa kataritaitokyo ghoulboku no picoGochiUsawtfdate a livewhat the gayWhen Smoking Is A Good Substitute For Bloodkaguya-samaWe Ballad NowBoogiepop wa warawanaispirited awayreikeijodem nice fingersShirobakoassassination classroomfaceswapKimi to Boku no Saigo no SenjouMonogatari Seriesd gray manTrue GentlemanMy Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expectedcode geassThe Vision of EscaflowneDanshi Koukousei no Nichijouone punch manmesmerizinggawr gurabrotherhoodold man GateIsekai Bishoujo Juniku Ojisanisekaieternal summerChad VersionNekoparagood tasteteekyubelladonna of sadnessgotoubun no hanayome x2in a nutshellalso tumblrkyoukai no kanatanoSekai Seifuku Bouryaku no ZvezdaMaou-sama Retryslice of lifeworking!!!!tohsaka rinkanojo okarishimasumasamune-kun no revengeplastic memoriesansatsu kizokuyosuga no soraashita no joeIjiranaide nagatoro-sani just grabbed it from the internetNeon genesis evangelioni have no idea wtf is going on herewhat she really meantprecurethats a big oofkakeguruimy hero academiamirai nikkiidk loli sourcemushoku tenseieromanga senseisword art onlineansatsu kyoushitsu?platinum endkono bijutsubu ni wa mondai ga aru!hunter x hunterspoilersKono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wogame of thronesfacebookbishounen tanteidansome gundan i guessRurouni Kenshinmuch lovesadgabriel DropoutKomi is Bad at Communicationoregairuanne happyIsekai Cheat Magicianso I'll Max Out My Defensewhat a thotnanatsu no taizaiBorutoarifuretasplashthe promised NeverlandThe rising of the shield heroK-onrent a girlfriendnatural smileseffect decreased by 50%The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautiousggprsion schooldeidarahappy sugar lifemasamune kun no revenge - momproblem childrencall of the nightall kyoanielfen liedmans last words ever recordedTokyoGhoultari taribasukeInou BattleProving Once More the Superiorityblend sLove Me Some Crap AnimeWhen they crysabagebuTonikaku kawaiithe disappearance ofonepieceDemi-chan wa Kataritaimitsuboshi colorsfreedragon maidtom and jerrymanamune-kun no revengeImportant prioritiesyaoione piecenice earssteal her lookno its not the sourceThe Adventures of Tintindragon blllsaiki kusuocells at workMikakunin de Shinkoukeimusaigen no phantom worldassassins priddetejina senpainetjuu no susumeInterviews with Monster Girlssm?zero no tsukaimawild snorlax appears kagakuchecking out grillsthis comic is lvl 99 GAYcurry riceplastic nee-sanIwa Kakeruna kanojomajo no tabi tabighost in the shellgrand bluekatanagatariyoujo senkiyuru camoaottriggerattack on titanhayate no gotokuThe Fruit of Grisaiano game no life??? hhhentai oujidarker than blackreference?that one guyAmong uskizuna aicitrusjojiuno reversejoshirakuboku no hero academiaKatekyo Hitman RebornKono Yuusha ga Ore Tsueee Kuse ni Shinchou SugiruRecord of Lodoss Wara place further than the universewho would react at thatyeah made up wordOccultic NineEvangelionWhen the teacher checks up on squadIll take 5 of thesekimouto umaru-chanmajikoiDevilman Crybabyre zero.no game no life x2.arifuretaakame ga killidk source brahmonogatari seriesmonogataritotally gonna try it myself when the time comesPrimitive Technology (yt channel)Sora Yori mo Tooi Bashodorohedorouzaki-chan asobitaiidk what animetsuzure childrentv vs blurayto arufate seriesuhh... why is he happy?Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan tocat girlsbokubenjojo bizarre adventuresilver spoonace attorneyaraburu kisetsu no otome domo yoMaoyuu Maou YuushaAre you the only one who loves meconan17 yr oldkouhai no hanashifinal fantasySpy x Familybruh ur mom has byakuganlight novelao no exorcistconventionweathering with youdagashi kashiworkinggotta go fastgordon ramsaykiniro mosaickomi-sanapril 1 1997 vs 2017asterisk warbut got class at 5high school dxdLittle witch academiazombieland sagabattle angel alitashes crying becauseanohanare zero felixskilled teaser takagiToki wo Kakeru Shoujo!Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsucrayon shin-chanproject kjojos bizarre adventuresi forgot sourcetennis no ouji-samaout of contextthe future is nowmadoka magicatoo real man too realYEET danmachichunibyou demo koi ga shitaiThese were removed in blurayKnock Knockfist of the north starpainstudio ghiblihmmmmmmrobert downey jrstudioneon genesis evangelionhigehiroWonder egg prioritykekkai sensenRe zeroInfinite StratosMahouka Koukou no Rettouseilisten here u lil shitmegj buhow to be a thotkeanu reevesfrankthe detective is already deadakiraDusk Maiden of Amnesiasteins gatetriginhorimiyatokyo goalYakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbono weird image needed for this onepuella magi madoka magicagabriel dropout x3Wandering Witchhimouto umaru-chanMusaigen no Phantom Worldperfect bluewhat a coincidenceangel beatssakamoto desu gaSaekanoi think i need an adulttom & jerrynazo no kanojoKill la Killgo yandere ofchands updumbbell nan kilo moteruseason 2merchahh thats hotblock cloverfullmetal alchemist brotherhoodcharacters chartidk if true or notprincess connectnorutoagainWatamoteAfter School S2Akashic Records of Bastard Magic InstructorTenSurasonohara no kanrinin-sangayharuhiokaasan onlinekeioninitial dcringeidk the first onevaginato?fatezero two from darling in the franxxbleachsome russian commanderblack cloverhigurashi no naku koro niwhat a gentlemoncautious herogakkougurashinani ka?Joshirakuseitokai yakuindomoAnsatsu KizokuDam Fine Legs Boyviolet evergardeninazuma elevenyanderefelixthe faraway paladinkiss x sisthe promised neverlanddaga shikashiSaenai Hiroin no Sodatekatare creatHello Darkness My Old FriendBokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinaispongebobsakurasou na pet no kanojoisekai quarterore twintails ni narimasumonster musumeunbreakable machine dollkonosubaastoflohajimete no galprisma illyastrike the bloodDeath noteUchiMusumeshikimori's not just a cutiegolden time i thinkgotoubun no hanayomeGrave of the Fireflieshideaki annoin an alternative universedomestic na kanojofeelsindexangels eggpress x to doubtI SWEAR TO GODKono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Arure diverakudai kishi no cavalryhow to do it rightorangewagnariasuicidekaguya-sama love is war x2owari no seraphseraph of the endcombatants will be dispatchedSeirei Gensoukidoki doki literature clubfrom a to f15 yr old HS boiso evilblalckfoxtsuki ga kireiswimmingto love rudakimakuraidk sourcethat sega gamebeybladeVivy: flourite eye's songViolet Evergardenoutbreak companysimpsonsReal life counterparthitoribocchi no marumaru seikatsusotsuDeath March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyokukobayashi-san-chi no maid dragonreferences to skipped chaptersSayonara Zetsubou Senseivinland sagashirobakoastoflo from fate seriesCastlevania netflixjahy-sama wa kujikenaiyotsuba toinu x bokusecret servicedios walkouran high school host clubrosario to vampiresasoriclannadbasketblack bulletkyoaniwelcome to nhkKobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragonshokugeki no soumaHitomi-chan wa Hito Mishiriblack butlerredo of healerInterviews with monster Girlskimtesu no yaibaSpice and Wolforeshurasmoosui thinknit pickingcosplayre creatorsoreimoshoukugeki no soumatsunderejojoshayao miyazakiyour lie in aprilAstra Lost in Spaceelon muskparasytequalitypsycho passricardo is a jojo confirmedblackholenakaimomy dress up darlingbofuriLeanna LeonardoAria the Scarlet AmmoDeath NoteaomineSora yori mo Tooi BashoNurarihyon no Magoretard intensifiesfinal fantasy xivhoyukaOresukikaguya-sama love is warparanoia agent alternativeKikis Delivery Service4th grill from LNsmug queenthe melancholy ofsakura questslime 300lmaolucky starbegone THOTHow Not to Summon a Demon Lordngeboku dake ga inai machiShinchou Yuushahamefuraviolet evergardenfairy tailabominationThe Hidden Dungeon Only I Can EnterSenpai ga Uzai Kouhai no HanashiOverlordhataraku maou-samawotakoiTrapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobsfate grand orderdora the explorerxmedaka boxRAINMAiKAAAAAAAautisticsome korean mangadevil may cryGotoubun no hanayomeyuru camp x2ghiblire zerohigurashiAre you the only one who loves me?Blend Suchi no maid ga uzasugiruBy the Grace of the Godsgatcha man crowdsMahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanohashisha no teikokufake as gayhellsing ultimatehambagacelldeath notedetective conanaho girl!when they crytamako marketAruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisenkomi cant communicateexamplesainanjenja no magobeelzebubso that was a fucking lienothing will happenToaru serieshitman rebornI Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess kakeguruicollab with spidermankarakai jouzu no takagi-sanYuushibuhaganaimekaku city actorspretty derbyitsbizzarreshinometaidolmaster seriesthat one japanese drawingnothing personnel kidShe Needs Some SpankingThe anthem of the heartKonosubaBerserkdemon slayerhokuto no kenHataage! Kemono MichiChivalry of a Failed KnightvalkyreKono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiruthe misfit of demon king academyinfinite stratosbunny girl senpaii bet its a yaoiyuru camphimegotoand so it beginsyuyushikiParasytehigurashi seriesseiken Tsukai no World Breakkokoro connectHibike Euphoniumass classRe: Divearent theywtf manduke of death and his maidanimepersona the animationshinichi kun dayone?Arnold Schwarzeneggerwatatendemi-chan wa kataritaiecchithe duke of death and his maidswimnichijou is a giftsatania from gabriel dropoutHow To (Not) Get a Jobdorohedorehouseki no kuninichijoutensuraevangelionlolifull metal paniccrayon shin chananon-kun shares his thoughtskancollethe melancholy of haruhi suzumiyaand theyare busy with their own livesberserkor in case dvdhimouto umaru chan - sistermononoke himeGrimoire of Zeroore monogatariwhen parents ask why you failedc-cutebetrayalpewdiepiedr stonefullmetal paniciwatobitoarujojo seriesbakumanthe day you came falling downmonstersource in imagehutoribocchi no maru maru seikatsuThe Disastrous Life of Saiki Kkonosuahollow knightOkusama ga Seitokaichoudimension virgin vs chadGATEby the grace of godslupinu mad?PokemonThe Journey of ElainarelatableDragon balloragairuA girl who chants love at the bound of this worldI have like 2 friends tho3d kanojobunny girl senpaitamayurayour nameNananas Buried Treasurehow not to summon a demon lordThe 100 Girlfriends Who Really Kaku TatakaerierasedgateRokuAkadurararaShingeki no kyoujingabriel dropoutmagikanongundamsaoore wo suki nano wa omae dake ka yoomg so cutekotoura sancursed bondclasroom of the eliteloli from dragon maiddomesticDumbbell Nan Kilo MoteruA Corpse is buried under sakurakos feetOtome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desuIsekai quartetvoice actorsidk last onewelcome to the nhkGolden timeansatsu kyoushitsutsurezure childrenkuroshitsujicharlottesailor moonfake subsIsekai cheat magiciannetflixfactstoradorawhen your ship doesnt sailJujutsu kaisengridmanhaiyore nyaruko-sanLeg ManShikimori's Not Just a Cutiewhat a waifublend SendrosnkhitoribocchitumblrShounenshikimorijohn cenaThe Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debtshounen mcs vs slive of life mcsEizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!wonder egg prioritynetflix memeanime was a mistaketI Don't Want to Get Hurtgekkan shoujo nozaki-kungochiusathe title is a jokesufferingRE lifeanotherInitial DHamefuradororoOne Roomk-onyunonew gameso i tried to prove itidkserial experiments lainnyanko daysLight Novel TitleChronicles of the Going Home Clubnot serious okyu yu hakushoofficial artcross angemasterpieceNetoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?ijiranaide nagatoro-sangamesbattle royaleproblem children are coming from another worldHentai Ouji to Warawanai Nekoomuriceneptuniafakesubssakura trickRokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records eromanga senseitonikaku kawaiihataraku saibouasobi asobasechio-chan no tsuugakuromob psychohololiveGate Thus the JSDF Fought ThereFate Seriesclassroom of the elitecomic girlsTanaka-kun is Always Listlesshatsune mikuflcl!destinyThe Rising of The Shield Heroyuru yuri domestic girlfriendKaku Tatakaerithe big threedevil is a part timeroregairu totsukafantasy self imageyu-nonhk ni youkosodont cheatromancerailgunisekai wa smartphone to tomo niWindowsno marumaru seikatsupriconnehighscool dxdping pongwe never learnkill la killtrapShinometaJohn TravoltaKimetsu no Yaibadumbbell nan kiro moteruwheres kimonotokyo ravensinuyashamp 100law student